Bell · Carter · Crispin · Cypher · David · deBoer · deGruy · Herd · Jones · Lambeth · Lumsden · Nowell · Parker · Seward · Snider · Voltaire · Wang · Washburn · Watts · West |
Bell Star Trek: Enterprise: The Verdict Cliff's involvement with outer space began at a very young age, when his father, an Air Force test pilot, was one of those selected to try out for the original astronaut program. At his mother's request his father turned it down, but the space program was followed closely by his family, as watching every launch was mandatory. This led to his avid interest in science fiction and the dreams of colonizing space. Cliff would spend his spare time at the base library reading the books of Jules Verne, H G Wells, Asimov, Bradbury and Sturgeon, to name a few. In the fifth grade, he ended up in the principal's office for reading "Mysterious Island" when he was supposed to be reading the fifth grade reader. When Star Trek first aired, Cliff was there, glued to the set for every episode, even "Spock's Brain." After high school, he attended California State University at Long Beach and earned a BS in Marine Biology. He then joined the Navy, where he served as a Surface Warfare Officer and became an Anti-Submarine Warfare specialist. After leaving the Navy, he went to work for defense contractors and spent some time in Saudi Arabia. His work led him to a career in software testing and evaluation. This is Cliff's fourth year on TrekTrak. |
![]() Star Trek: Enterprise: The Verdict Noah started watching Star Trek at the age of ten and since then has read, listened and watched everything about Trek that he could get his hands on. He enjoys all Trek, but especially Enterprise, the Original Series and The Next Generation. Noah is a huge fan of the Klingons, Andorians and pretty much any race that embraces the Code of the Warrior and the concept of honor. When not studying, he enjoys learning about the military, wars, history, reading Tolkien and mysteries, listening to Christian and country music, hanging out with his family and friends, and participating in any and all contests. This is Noah's first Dragon*Con. |
![]() An Hour with Peter David Peter David is a prolific author whose career, and continued popularity, spans nearly two decades. He has worked in every conceivable media: television, film, books (fiction, non-fiction and audio), short stories and comic books, and acquired followings in all of them. In the literary field, Peter has had over fifty novels published, including numerous appearances on the New York Times Bestsellers List. Publishers Weekly described him as "a genuine and veteran master." His novels include Sir Apropos of Nothing (A "fast, fun, heroic fantasy satire"--Publishers Weekly) and the sequel The Woad to Wuin, Knight Life, Howling Mad and the Psi-Man adventure series. Probably his greatest fame comes from the high-profile realm of Star Trek novels, where he is the most popular writer of the series, with his title Imzadi being one of the best-selling Star Trek novels of all time. Peter is also co-creator and author of the bestselling Star Trek: New Frontier series for Pocket Books. A partial list of his titles include Q-Squared, The Siege, Q-in-Law, Vendetta, A Rock and a Hard Place and, with John deLancie, I, Q. He produced the three Babylon 5 Centauri Prime novels and has also had short stories appear in such collections as Shock Rock, Shock Rock II and Otherwere, as well as Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine and the Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction. Peter has written more comics than can possibly be listed here, remaining consistently one of the most acclaimed writers in the field. His resume includes an award-winning twelve-year run on The Incredible Hulk, and he has also worked on such varied and popular titles as Supergirl, Young Justice, Soulsearchers and Company, Aquaman, Spider-Man, Spider-Man 2099, X-Factor, Star Trek, Wolverine, The Phantom, Sachs & Violens and many others. He has also written comic book-related novels, such as The Incredible Hulk: What Savage Beast, and co-edited the Ultimate Hulk short story collection. Furthermore, his opinion column "But I Digress" has been running in the industry trade newspaper The Comic Buyers Guide for nearly a decade, and in that time has been the paper's consistently most popular feature and was also collected into a trade paperback edition. Peter is the co-creator, with popular science fiction icon Bill Mumy (of Lost in Space and Babylon 5 fame) of the Cable Ace Award-nominated science fiction series Space Cases, which ran for two seasons on Nickelodeon. He has also written several scripts for the Hugo Award-winning TV series Babylon 5, and the sequel series Crusade, as well as the animated series Roswell. He has also written several films for Full Moon Entertainment and co-produced two of them, including two installments in the popular Trancers series, Trancers 4: Jack of Swords and Trancers 5: Sudden Death, as well as the science fiction western spoof Oblivion, which won the Gold Award at the 1994 Houston International Film Festival for Best Theatrical Feature Film, Fantasy/Horror category, and the sequel, Backlash: Oblivion 2. Peter's awards and citations span not only an assortment of fields, but the globe. They include: the Haxtur Award 1996 (Spain), Best Comic script; OZCon 1995 award (Australia), Favorite International Writer; Comic Buyers Guide 1995 Fan Awards, Favorite writer; Wizard Fan Award Winner 1993; Golden Duck Award for Young Adult Series ( Starfleet Academy #1: Worf's First Adventure) 1994; UK Comic Art Award, 1993; Will Eisner Comic Industry Award, 1993. Recently his work was again nominated in two categories for the Eisners, and in the recent SFX Readers Awards he was the sixth most popular author in the field, with four of his books finishing in the top ten in their category. Peter lives in New York with his wife, Kathleen, and his children, Shana, Gwen, Ariel, and a player to be named later. And even though this may not be the best year to admit it, he's a Mets fan. For more information about Peter, visit his web site, This is Peter's eleventh year on TrekTrak! |
![]() Star Trek: Enterprise: The Verdict Chris has been a Star Trek and science fiction fan in one capacity or another for most of his life. He cut his teeth on shows such as Lost in Space,Johnny Quest and the original Star Trek in the 1960s and has continued his involvement in Trek and SF shows, stories and activities to the present day. Chris has participated in gaming as far back as the mid-'70s, starting with some of the board strategy games, then into RPGs such as D&D, Traveler, Aftermath and Fading Suns. Though his primary occupation is as a computer technician, he has served many years in the military under multiple occupations, been an extra in TV and movies and works part-time for Holistic Design, running game demos. Chris is currently a member of the Klingon Assault Group, for whom he helps coordinate public events such as Toys for Tots. He also designs insignia and accessories for Klingon costumes. |
Lambeth![]() Professional Star Trek Costume-Building Vixens, Victims and Virgins: Sexism in Star Trek Cheralyn began creating her own costumes and creatures at the tender age of ten, when her mother finally refused to make any more odd costumes for her at Halloween. She carried this obsession with her into college at UNC Chapel Hill, where, after having failed miserably as an Air Force reservist, she switched her major from math to something much more useful, such as Dramatic Arts and Radio/Television/Motion Pictures. Shortly after graduation, Cheralyn descended upon New York to study costuming, wigs and make-up at the Juilliard School, and achieved her first fifteen minutes of fame by making her off-Broadway debut, appearing with John Leguizamo in Mambo Mouth. From there, Cheralyn moved to Minneapolis to create Muppet costumes for Sesame Street Live, and returned to New York a year later to work with Jim Henson Productions on the TV series Dinosaurs! and the film The Muppet Christmas Carol. In between work and more work, Cheralyn served as a playtester for the Star Wars RPG module Mission to Lianna, and has written articles for such science fiction-related periodicals as Con-Tour Magazine and Bjo Trimble's Sci-Fi Spotlite. Most recently, Cheralyn has just finished a long stint with Paramount Production Services, where she created props and costumes for such attractions as Titanic: The Movie on Tour, the Star Trek Earth Tour and Star Trek: The Experience at the Las Vegas Hilton. Her latest projects include the TV mini-series Shake, Rattle and Roll, and lastly, work as both a costume crafts technician and an extra in Mel Gibson's The Patriot. |
![]() Star Trek: Enterprise: The Verdict Monique has been a Star Trek fan since 1998. First only a Next Generation fan, she became hooked on the whole world of Trek after reading her sister's copy of the 1970 James Blish novel, Spock Must Die! The Next Generation is still her favorite, but she enjoys all Trek, especially Classic Trek and Enterprise. Monique has attended two Vulkon conventions, and this is her third year at Dragon*Con and her first on Trek Trak. She loves to get involved in activities, and at the second Vulkon convention, she entered her younger eight siblings in the costume contest--the older six as the crew of the USS Mayhem, complete with Lego models of various Star Trek ships, and the youngest two in white cadet rompers. Both groups won trophies. At the 2003 Dragon*Con, she modeled for The Tribe fashion show, marched in the Dragon*Con parade and was a contestant in the Evening in Bree, Hall and Masquerade costume contests. Monique is an assistant teacher and librarian at her church and enjoys spending time with her family, most of whom are now Trek fans. A history and trivia buff, she enjoys discussing, debating and exchanging information on past and present issues with family and friends. |
Nowell Queer Eye for the Trek Guy: The Missing Minority VIII Darren has been around Atlanta fandom since 1985. After doing several tours of duty with Dixie-Trek and Starfleet Atlanta, he took a break to do something called college. He studied theatre and philosophy and is now a devil's advocate for everyone but Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell and Fred Phelps. His greatest Star Trek moment was being both slapped and kissed by Marina Sirtis at MOC #3 (or was it #2?) after asking her to take off her jacket to reveal her skimpy top. (Little did she know she had nothing to fear but a fashion critique.) He is also a founding member of the Save a Sweater...Kill Wesley Crusher fan club and a member of the Atlanta Outworlders, which espouses more gay/lesbian/trans/bi content in science fiction and fantasy. Not surprisingly, he is currently single and has a super hero fetish. This is Darren's third appearance on TrekTrak! |
![]() Klingon History 101 Kevin has been a Star Trek enthusiast for over ten years. With his first convention right here in Georgia---Dixie Trek in 1986---he has been an avid participant in science fiction genre ever since. Currently, he is the Captain of the IKAV Nemesis in Lawrenceville, which is a part of the Klingon Assault Group (KAG), and you can see him during the Halloween season as the monster of your choice at Netherworld. You can sometimes see him on TNT as "the Bad Boy of Star Trek." |
Seward The Future of the Star Trek Franchise Jerry is an avid fan of science fiction. He founded and co-edited the long-running fanzine Power Star (online archives at He has submitted spec scripts to Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and is presently developing a number of comic book projects for fledgling new company Dark Elf Designs. He's also hard at work on a novel, The Cyber Strain. He currently lives in Michigan, where he works as a freelance newspaper journalist and is the president of the independent Star Trek fan club, the USS Solar Wind. |
C. Snider The Future of the Star Trek Franchise Queer Eye for the Trek Guy: The Missing Minority VIII John launched, an online science fiction magazine, in February 2000 to expand his life-long interest in science fiction, serving as editor, head writer, webmaster and gadfly-at-large. He has interviewed numerous celebrities and remarkable persons in the genre, including Stan Lee, Majel Roddenberry, Andre Norton, Ben Bova and Sir Ian McKellen. He has attracted many contributors, notably Robert J. Sawyer (a Nebula Award-winning author) and Dr. Massimo Pigliucci (a distinguished evolutionary biologist who writes syndicated essays on science and skepticism). He collaborated with world-renowned paranormal investigator Joe Nickell (regular columnist for Skeptical Inquirer magazine) to create "The Joe Nickell Files," a series of telephone interviews exploring a variety of topics in the world of the paranormal. In 2001, John traveled to the United Kingdom to explore the science fiction and fantasy scene on the other side of The Pond. That series of interviews and articles was published as "scifi dimensions in the UK." He also chunneled over to Paris to interview SFWA President Norman Spinrad! John founded the Southeastern Science Fiction Achievement Award (the SESFA) in 2002, a fan-based award designed to honor accomplishment in science fiction/fantasy/horror by individuals born or living in the southern United States. John has been a guest at several science fiction conventions (most notably Dragon*Con), participating in panel discussions on online publishing and various science fiction topics. He has been a guest on several live Internet broadcasts and radio shows (including Radio Sci Fi, The Dragon Page and The Sci-Fi Zone Radio Show). He has also been featured in such diverse print publications as The Atlanta Journal-Constitution (twice), Atlanta Intown magazine, the Libertarian Party News and the Atlanta Science Fiction Society's monthly newsletter, Future Times. John also enjoys collecting vintage comic books, owning one of the most comprehensive Spider-Man collections in Georgia... perhaps in the United States. He's also a member of the Fellowship of Reason. He lives in Roswell, Georgia (not New Mexico). |
![]() The TrekTrak Filk Concert Voltaire was born in Havana, Cuba in 1967. He emigrated with his family to the U.S. as a child and settled in New Jersey (a fact he never stops complaining about!). Voltaire is a singer/songwriter whose music has its roots deeply imbedded in European folk music. His songs speak of love and, most often, the loss thereof with the added twist of how best to seek revenge on the ones who have hurt you. Lyrically, he explores and reveals those moments of vulnerability most would rather not discuss and exploits with childish abandon those fleeting streaks of cruelty we all feel but choose not to act upon or even mention. Voltaire's live shows, whether solo or with his skeletal orchestra, are highly theatrical---full of props and stories. The visual quality of his performances is not surprising; Voltaire has been directing commercials and animating short films for the last ten years. He's best known for his Hieronymous Bosch-inspired station IDs for MTV. Inspired by the films of Ray Harryhausen (Jason and the Argonauts, The 7th Voyage of Sinbad), Voltaire began animating at the age of ten on a Super8 camera. At that time, he says, "no three-dimensional object was safe. My brother's action figures, my sister's dolls, silverware, etc... If it was missing, chances were that it was in the basement in front of my camera." Eventually, piecing together snippets of information from fanzines, he was able to teach himself how to make foam rubber animation models and animate them with fluidity and realism. The films of his childhood landed him his first directing job in 1988. That project was the classic MTV ID called "MTV-Bosch." The stop-motion tour of the hellish "Garden of Earthly Delights" went on to win several awards, including a Broadcast Design Award, and helped to establish Voltaire's style of animation. His strange stew of Gothic darkness, baroque lushness and whimsical surrealism has been seen in a score of television commercials for clients such as Cartoon Network, USA and The Sci-Fi Channel. His short films, which he describes as being "an opportunity for me to be as strange and demented as I care to be," have been seen at animation festivals around the world, including the sinister "Rakthavira," which toured as part of Expanded Entertainment's "Too Outrageous Animation." These days, Voltaire continues writing, recording and performing music, directing and animating commercials and projects for television and working on the occasional comic book. Somewhere in there, he also teaches stop-motion animation at the School of Visual Arts in New York City. When not writing songs about hacking up his ex-lover's lovers or offing the man upstairs, Voltaire spends a lot of time at science fiction conventions. Usually, he is promoting his comic books and Chi-Chian animated series, but we all know he really just goes to them in the hopes of picking up a new Starfleet uniform or that hard-to-get, limited edition Tribble! Voltaire, you see, is an avid Star Trek fan (even stating in an interview on The Sci Fi Channel show Exposure that his dream in life is to play a Vulcan!). One night after one of his shows at Dragon*Con in Atlanta, he was invited to sit in on a "filk" session. Filk apparently is a convention phenomenon where musicians sing songs that have science fiction lyrics transplanted over recognizable folk melodies. He says, "There I was, hearing these songs about Star Trek, and I thought, damn! Now, why didn't I think of this?! My love for music and obsession with Star Trek collided, and I started to write Star Trek parody songs." At first, he would play them in his solo acoustic shows at conventions and later recorded them and posted them on, where they quickly rose up the comedy charts. Voltaire's CD Banned on Vulcan contains solo acoustic versions of four Star Trek parody songs, including the hysterical "Worf's Revenge: A Klingon Rap," which explains once and for all why Worf is the Mac Dad of the Klingon Empire. "The USS Make Sh*t Up" is about that pivotal moment in every episode of every Star Trek series where, when finding themselves up against insurmountable odds, the crew starts "making sh*t up!" ("Bounce a graviton particle beam off the main deflector dish...!" etc.) "The Sexy Data Tango" really crosses the line, describing what it's like having sex with Data! (And it's written in Star Trek jargon! Lower your shields and spread your nacelles to make room for his craft, while he thrusts his Delta Flyer into your big, fat, juicy aft!) "Screw the Okampa (I Want to Go Home)" serves as a campfire song for disgruntled crew members on Voyager who hate Janeway for stranding them in the Delta Quadrant. If you are fan of Star Trek and love raunchy humor, then this is the filk performance for you! |
![]() Star Trek: Where No College Course Has Gone Before Queer Eye for the Trek Guy: The Missing Minority VIII Vixens, Victims and Virgins: Sexism in Star Trek Traci is a graduate of Bowling Green State University with a Bachelor of Science in Education in English. She received her master's degree in journalism from Kent State University in 2002. She is currently part-time adjunct faculty in the new College of Communication and Information at Kent State. Traci has co-taught workshop courses on Star Trek, "From Comics into Film" and "Sherlock Holmes in Film." In October, she will present a paper on teaching Star Trek at the Midwest Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association convention in Cleveland, Ohio. She also collects autographs and other pop culture memorabilia, especially Star Trek. She lives in Brimfield, Ohio with her husband and co-instructor Robert West, a neurotic dog, a psycho cat and two ferrets. |